Grip Club FAQs

What are the subscription options?

There are 3 membership options in the Grip Club.
1 Pair Monthly,
3 Pairs Bi-monthly,
4 Pairs Quarterly.

Subscriptions are ongoing, with each billing cycle lining up with your delivery.

When will I get my socks?

Your first order is shipped within 2 business days of joining, and then we'll send your next order at the same time next month (or longer, depending on your subscription). Shipping takes 2-5 days within Australia, and 7-14 days internationally.

Which design will I receive?

Every month we'll send you a different design, based on what is our newest and hottest style in stock. We'll never send you the same style twice.

I'm subscribing a friend as a gift. How can I explain what a great thing I've done?

What a cool friend you are! We'll send you a printable PDF in your confirmation email, which you can print out and hand over to your lucky pal. They'll receive their first delivery really soon, too.

How do I cancel?

You can cancel anytime through your account page. We make it easy, don't worry. We'll even email you all the info at the time of purchase, so you can find it when you need it.

Can I update my address?

You can update your address on your account page, or send us an email anytime.

I still have questions!

Drop us a line at, and we will answer any question under the sun!